
When Will Your Player Quit Playing Basketball

Yes, there will come a day when your child will quit playing

Many experts say it’s around the age of 13.

The main reason is because it’s no longer FUN!

No longer fun on account of their diminished skill doesn’t allow them to
enjoy the game.

When will this happen to your child?

What can you do to keep this from happening?

Players from all over the area have taken advantage of
the opportunities existing this summer.

They range from camps, workouts, clinics, etc.  Not just for

Every accomplishment takes extra effort.


Should Players Attend Summer Camps

This is an interesting subject bounced around by many coaches.

Even though I am biased in this regard, I think camps can have
a tremendous positive effect on your player.

Here’s why:

1) If your child is new to the sport, they get a chance to learn at their
own pace.

2) You players will have more hands on coaching.

3) The fundamentals are emphasized.

4) Greater skill development opportunities with future camps.

5) Coaches talk about continuing workouts beyond the camp week.

6) Players learn how to compete.

and much more.

Enjoy the short read and share with a friend.


8 Things I See at Basketball Camps

What I have observed is encouraging.

Here’s what I see:

1. Players are willing to work.

2. The fundamentals remain the same.

3. The more players concentrate on making layups, the more
points they score.

4. Each player has a unique set of skills.

5. The best players have been the most coachable and were
more willing to take directions.

7. Improved footwork makes ever part of game their better.

8. The players want to compete.

There are some others, but these are the main points.

Still not too late to develop your child’s game.


How to Prevent Some Injuries

There are injuries in every sport, even playing video
games (not a sport). But you get the gist.

Many injuries are unavoidable, especially those involving
contact with another player.

However, there are some caused by numerous factors:

1. Bad posture
Players should practice good posture at all time, even while watching TV
or playing on the Iphone.

2. Inflexible joints.
Make sure the wrists, knees, elbows, an ankles can move freely.

3. Running flat footed
Develop a habit of having “silent feet”

This just a start.  Keep in mind an active lifestyle helps.

See you soon.

Don’t forget it is time to take action.

School starts in few weeks.  Sitting will become the norm.


What to Expect At a Basketball Camp

If you don’t have a personal workout coach, camps, clinics, and

group workouts are the best way to learn basketball skill development.

Make sure your player gets:

* Lots of repetition

* Explanation of why you are doing a drill

* Tons of activity

* Develop a sense of how to compete

* Leave with a higher skill level

That’s it.

However, players must work on their own to get better.

Take what you learn at the events and use them in your workouts.




Anyone Using This as a Tool

Last Saturday, we tried something new.

Players were participating in a moving shooting drill.

We noticed some had some issues with shooting form.

They were given an explanation and shown a way to make

Still, their form was off a bit.

Next, we took still pictures and presented them with a photo
of them shooting.
Then, Coach Hannah, took a slow motion video of them from the dribbling starting point to
the shooting spot.

Boom! Now the players could see the point at which they started to lose good form.

Are you coaches doing this for you?

This now standard procedure at all our camps and clinics.


Great Ballhandling Drill

This is a video posted on

It takes the coach 5 minutes to go through the drill, but all players are

recommended to go at their own speed.

Tip: Go slow and increase your speed as you get better.


Ten Ball Slaps
Five Up & Down Fingertips
Five Times Around the Head
Five Times Around the Head (reverse direction)
Five Times Around the Waist
Five Times Around the Waist (reverse direction)
Five Times Around Both Legs
Five Times Around Both Legs (reverse direction)
Five Times Around Right Leg
Five Times Around Right Leg (reverse direction)
Five Times Around Left Leg
Five Times Around Left Leg (reverse direction)
Five Figure Eights
Five Figure Eights (reverse direction)
Five One-Leg Two Legs
Five One-Leg Two Legs (reverse direction)
20 Low Dribbles (both hands) → The Ball Should Not Go Above the Calf Muscle
Ten Pound Dribbles (both hands)
Five Times Around One Leg With One Hand (both sides) → Right Leg Right Hand, Left Leg Left Hand
Five Quick Dribble Figure Eights
Five Windshield Wipers (both hands)
Five Walking the Dogs (both hands)
Five Dog Wipers (both hand)
Ten Crossovers → Two Crossovers is one (Right to Left then Back)
Ten Between the Legs (both sides)
Ten Figure Eights
Ten Behind the Back
Ten Between the Legs Cross (both ways)
Ten Between the Legs Behind the Back (both ways)

1)  Saturday Workouts, starts April 15th

2) Summer Camps (7 camps and more coming soon)

Fairfax Camp

Herndon Camp

3) Fairfax Weekly Evening Clinics



How to Eliminate Traveling in Youth Basketball

How many games do you see where they call traveling or could
have called it?

The Wikipedia definition is:

“In basketball, traveling is a violation of the rules that occurs
when a player holding the ball moves one or both of their feet
illegally. Most commonly, a player travels by illegally
moving his or her pivot foot or taking more than 2 steps
without dribbling the ball.”

The help players avoid this violation, former NBA player has created
a video helping players develop body and footwork control.

Enjoy and share!

Don’t miss the Early Bird Specials on the following events.

1. Saturday Workouts,

2. Summer Camp, 5 dates

3. Herndon Summer Camp, 2 dates

4. Fairfax County Evening Weekly Clinics


Should Your Kids Play Multiple Sports

There are many studies supporting the theory of
playing different sports rather then one year round.

Here are benefits:

* Helps avoid repetitive use injuries

* Creates long term success in team sports

* Develops a more active lifestyle

From USA Today…

With the summer youth sports season in high gear, millions of boys and girls across the country are participating in sports camps, clinics and tournaments. While they have been competing in a wide range of sports, many of them focused on organized competitions in one sport rather than skill development and play.

Click Here to read the rest of the article.

Enjoy and share with a friend.

Did you miss the Early Bird Specials for Saturdays and Summer Camps?

They are up and running with new opportunities to take advantage of the

1. Saturday Workouts,

2. Summer Camp, 5 dates

3. Herndon Summer Camp, 2 dates

See you on the court.

The game is coming to you.


FPYC Select Basketball Open Gym & Spring/Summer League Tryouts

Select basketball tryouts will begin the week of April 17th. Times/dates and locations for spring/summer tryouts will be announced soon and you can also check under the basketball tab periodically for updates.

Also, if you have friends who may be interested, please forward this email.

A few (not all) of the Select basketball age groups will have open gym over the next two weeks for players who might be interested in Select basketball to come in and shoot some hoops prior to the summer league tryouts in April (schedule below).

If your age group/gender is NOT listed below, there will not be open gym before the tryouts which is for all age groups.
Open Gym Schedule: (Rising grade = grade for fall 2017, current 4th = rising 5th)

Rising 5th & 6th grade boys (talented younger players are welcome too)
– Lavar Varner,, 571-572-0834
– David Young,, 703-929-6141
– March 27 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary
– April 3 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary

Rising 7th grade boys
– Ernest Williams,, 571-485-0650
– George Ragan,, 703-786-9861
– March 28 – 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Providence Elementary
– March 30 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Providence Elementary
– April 4 – 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Providence Elementary
– April 6 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Providence Elementary

Rising 8th grade boys – Calvin  Barnes,, 703-599-5339
– March 29 – 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary
– March 31 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary
– April 5 – 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary
– April 7 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary

Rising 5th grade girls – Mo Komaily,, 703-277-9590
– March 29 – 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Providence Elementary
– March 31 – 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary
– April 7 – 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary

Rising 6th grade girls – Erin Fay,, 703-362-8273
– April 4 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary
– April 6 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Daniels Run Elementary

Rising 7th grade girls – Kirk Intermill,, 202.642.0940
– No Open Gym

Rising 8th grade girls – Ernest Williams,, 571-485-0650
March 27 (TODAY) – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Providence Elementary
– March 31 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Providence Elementary
– April 3 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Providence Elementary
– April 7 – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Providence Elementary
FPYC spring/summer Select/Travel basketball program is for rising (next year’s) 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders starting around mid April, more info will be out soon. This program is for players who want to have fun, develop more advanced basketball skills and play more competitive basketball games.

NOTE: The Select program is competitive. Unlike the house program, your child must tryout and is not guaranteed a spot on the team nor is s/he guaranteed playing time.

Times/dates and locations for spring/summer tryouts will be announced soon and the website will be updated at under the basketball tab for select basketball.

Typically during the spring/summer league, attendance is more flexible as we take into consideration there may be some time missed for spring sports, vacations and summer camps. Check with the coach for your age group.

The program consists of two parts; spring training with possible participation in spring tournaments and the summer league games beginning after school is out. If you are committed to another spring sport and may be limited on your participation in spring training but are interested in participating in the summer league, please come to tryouts, discuss with the coach and fill out a registration form so you have the opportunity to be on a summer team. You must attend tryouts and fill out a registration form to be considered for a team.

For questions regarding the spring/summer select program contact the coach for your age group.

Thank You,
FPYC Select Basketball